26 March 2002


Would you be interested in realizing one of the seminars that your Words> speak of. I would very much like to at least begin to explore this and perhaps do some planning. The communist revolution is upon the shoulders of our class, the communitarian class. We need a seminar that will: create good things for the masses on the planet, bring the light of truth to those who hope for justice, and give life once again to our planet that is stagnating.

I am still living with my wife in Fullerton CA in Orange County. Dele is in Los Angeles. We have continued to remain in contact. He is now working out of a small office in South Central. I have also begun some outreach activities in Orange County. If we had an objective, we could guide our activities so that they would conincide/dovetail with a seminar. Facing the mammoth struggles ahead without a strong, disciplined party, I feel, would not be wise; this must be part of our seminar. Now is the time to witness.

I hope you will consider what I have said and get back to me.

Joe Chafe
616 S. Washington Ave.
Fullerton CA 92832
714 447-0794