SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM: Although this document places the blame for climate change on capitalism, it omits (as capitalist politicians and media outlets do) the word "socialism." What is socialism and what is the difference between socialism and communism? According to Jack Fischel, socialism means that you get what you produce and communism means that you get what you need. Exploitation is eliminated under socialism as workers receive for their labor an equivalent amount goods and services; surplus value ceases to be ripped off by a capitalist class. To attain this feat, a higher level of consciousness is required; the working class become aware of their power and exercise it by taking control of the state enforcing control by the majority. This is the process that is occuring in Venezuela where the majority population is gradually gaining control over the state. The most highly conscious and organized section of the working class are called communists who lead the socialist revolution; without communist leadership using the proven theory of scientific communism their can be no socialist revolution or indeed a socialist state. Any other pathway leads to failure just as any attempts to build a bridge without scientific principles will lead to the collapse of the bridge. Communism as a state does not yet exist. It requires a level of consciousness that the people know what they need and demand no more than that, a level of consciousness that the people do not yet have. You cannot skip from socialism to communism just as you cannot skip adolescence. It requires that we learn how to satisfy the needs of all the people by creating a condition of universal abundance along with a higher consciousness (the people know and accept only what they need, no more and no less) achieved by the majority of the people.
RELIGIONISM: Granted our goal is not to impose a logic of "domination upon nature," but neither should it be to set it up as a separate "living being with which we have an indivisible, interdependent, complementary and spiritual rfelationship," which is introducing religionism. Religion (organized religion) is reactionary and will only serve to strengthen and promote reactionary plans of the capitalists and their supporters. Rather we affirm that we are Conscious Nature; there is no need to affirm a supernatural being outside of us to whom we are related, etc. We take charge (take political power into our own hands) by means of referendums, assemblies to rewrite constitutions, communist party leadership, socialist revolutionary strategy and tactics.
IMPOTENCY: The "Peoples Agreement" document seems revolutionary but is in effect wishy washy; it exhorts, makes demands, whines, but lacks a definite plan that confronts the capitalists on the "battlefield" and forces them to take heed of our demands. How will be get the capitalists to:
return to concentrations of greenhouse gases to 300 ppm
construct an Adaptation Fund
"respect and guarantee the effective implementation of international human rights standards and the rights of indigenous peoples"
establish an International Tribunal of Conscience
SANCTION CAPITALIST SUPERPOWERS: Developing countries are a primary source of trade and raw materials for capitalist countries. Let there be an agreement among all the countries in the socialist camp that such developing countries--especially those who are expected to be highly impacted by climate change--combine with all countries in the socialist camp to boycott all trade with those developed capitalist countries who refuse to agree upon sensible climate-change demands. Socialist camp countries must agree to supply the needs of these developing countries. This dynamic is already in place ( Iran, China, Russia for example supply Venezuela insuring its security, infrastructure, technological and other needs); all that is required is that we build on the existing structures.