Come Inherit the Earth Now

Communist Revolution

The Communist Revolution is a celebration of that harmony which David (Psalm 133, New Living Translation, NLT) sang about long ago that is precious and refreshing, that is the blessing of everlasting life, that is the gateway open for you now at the end of the Old World.


Come all you who thirst for justice, peace, and everlasting life. Come now into the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning. No words can do do it justice. Come now, leave all earthly possessions behind. Come into the Kingdom clean. Come with a pure heart, with hope that waits patiently for the outpouring of the Spirit, the arrival of the bridegroom (see Matthew 25:1-13, NLT). Now is the time. Set aside dogmas, petty concerns. Open heart and mind to warmth and sunsine of God Creator, God Nature, and God Spirit. We are here. Blessed are those who have waited for our coming. Blessed are the pure of heart who follow us. Blessed are the open-minded who speak for us. Blessed are those who share eternal life with us in loving communion. Come!