The epoch of SELF lasts from the FIRST NEGATION when we left the primitive communion of hunter/gatherer till the time of the SECOND NEGATION when we are assumed back into the divine family once again. There is no rest for souls till the last of God's chosen ones are resurrected. Those who know divinity return as leaders to shepherd others along the pathway forward. We grow up in SELF but leave it behind--we do not take it into the family of God. SECOND NEGATION is the overturning of SELF, the reinstatement of the divine. Communist revolution ushers in the final stage of this development which leads into the communion of eternal life for the people.
God the Trinity is the physical universe creating ITSELF, cosmic consciousness enlightening ITSELF, and communion that brings life to ITSELF. God is all and deep down inside us we yearn to return to IT, we, God's children struggling through the epoch of SELF to realize and manifest higher quality of life in the divine communion of God.
Creative energy of the physical universe, enlightenment or truth of cosmic consciousness, loving communion of life, this Trinity is always a seamless whole. Creative energy of Father doesn't exist without the enlightenment, formation (formative causation), or truth of Mother. There is no loving communion of Family life without Mother and Father. The trinity pattern is whole and seamless and embraces all, even the dirt on the sidewalk. Adolph Hitler wished to create a global dominion, but it was just for the Germans. He did not include the other races in his family or loving communion of life. This lead to his downfall, his return to dust. When global Capitalism with cold laws oppresses the working class, and succors and props up its own class either in this country or anywhere on the planet, they cease to be Father of good things or Mother of justice and truth, or Family of loved ones.
Creator-God is the energy or craving which brings the physical world into existence. IT is the Father of all need. IT is the attractive energy of communication. Creation-God is absolute need craving goodness, reaching out to bring good things into existence. Creation-God brings together all that need each other. With childlike confidence we rest assured that Universe will respond to our goodness and that Communication which is the Father will bring to us all the good things we need.
Nature-God forms all being; IT is COSMIC MIND that orders the cosmos. It is the field responsible for the formation of all. It is Mother Nature. We speak ITS word boldly. The people hear it and recognize it and follow. Let the light of Mother-God shine through us that we may claim our divine birthrite in the Family of God.
Spirit-God brings life to all in divine communion. There is no happiness or bliss other than that which comes with the life of Spirit. Spirit-God is comradeship, brotherhood, sisterhood, the One-World Family Commune. All great masters mediate the love of Spirit-God. Begin to love. Love strongly, deeply, and first of all and you will bring divine life to all you meet as the masters have.
Bodies participate in the goodness and perfection of Creator-God. All bodies are the fruit of the craving of Creator-God who creates good things that last forever. We are children of God growing up in the epoch of SELF. Our bodies mirror the perfection of Creator-God: we create what we need and take care that what we create is of lasting goodness. Like our Father we become masters of communication. Always we are moving away from, out of SELF back into divine communion as sons and daughters leave matters of childhood and adolescence behind. The craving (needs) of the Father become ours and our talents become the talents of the Father ITSELF. The more we approach Creator-God, the more lasting goodness there is in what we create. So in building the community of God, the forces of death will not prevail against it.
Mind is the "light of the world." It is the good deeds of our ancestors (history) and our good deeds which we let "shine out for all to see" (See Matthew 5:14-16 NLT; scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation (c) 1996 Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton Illinois 60189; all rights reserved). Mind is choosing/willing the steps along the pathway of justice that leads forward to higher quality of life for all. It is positive, absolute. Truth is the light of the Mind, Nature, Mother-God speaking through us. Mind speaks with the authority of Nature. A clouded mind, a mind "hidden under a bushel basket" is useless; it will burn itself out. Let your mind be open to the ancestors and let cosmic consciousness, the field that determines the cosmos and brings order, balance, alignment to all, shine forth from within you.
We are chosen by God as we are perfect as our Father and wise as our Mother. Soul must decrease until the fulness of Spirit God pours forth through us. Soul flourishes in the love of family and communal life. This communion keeps us alive, gives us a purpose of living in our struggles. Soul is our movement toward God. Spirit is God coming toward us.
As children of God, we use history to learn so that we can continue our progress toward union with God. Before we make the next step of progress, we bring history up to the present time. History is what body, mind, and soul have passed down to us. Revolutionaries study history; they bring it up to present time. They make use of minds of masters to find their way to the narrow gateway that leads to justice and eternal life.
Satanism, evil, reaction, dogmatism, etc. is the attempt to establish life based on history. Hitler tried to do this and produced a freak. Eternal being, truth, and life that we thirst for cannot be founded upon history. That is why Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, said that there is no salvation through the law. We need it, yes, as a guide a rule that points us in the direction of progress, in the direction of the promised land, the Family of God.
Dialectics, the basis of creation, is the power of communication by which we get what we need which is opposite us and which fulfills us. This process transforms us. This process is in the image of God which operates similarly. All life operates on this basis. If you want to create a work of art, the materials, the idea, etc. become the opposite with which you must communicate/struggle till a revolution takes place and something new under the sun is created. Proletarians (those who must sell there labor power to survive) and Capitalists communicate/struggle with each other and out of this struggle comes the Socialist revolution, a radical change in the organization of society in which the workers themselves (proletarians) run production and distribution of all goods and services. This is a higher form of democracy than Capitalism for it brings democracy into the workplace itself. Dialectics is the unity and struggle of opposites, one of the fundamental laws of the universe. Dr. W. E. B Dubois remarked that while Lincoln was alive there was a healthy difference of opinion and reconscruction of the South after the civil war in the USA proceeded well. But after Lincoln was assassinated and Andrew Johnson came into office this healthy struggle of opposites collapsed with disastrous consequences for the workers. The vanguard party of society insures that these fundamental laws are used to help society advance to the next stage of development.
God the Father, the living creation principle/law inherent in the physical universe, creates all forever-good things. Matter is the result of unity and struggle of opposites, a communication process which issues from our Father's craving for the good.
Revolutionaries bring to the people this knowledge of the Creation Principle of the Universe. Understanding this makes us good shepherds of the people and stewards of the planet. It aligns us with the physical universe, a process we call humility; in the Father, we are one with particles, minerals, plants, animals--the entire physical universe. In the Father we know what is good and seek via communication to bring it into being.
The nature principle, change from quantity to quality, is what hope is all about. When we take pains with our work, when we experiment, run tests, when we do our homework, we expect quality results, the long-awaited formula, the truth--this expectation is hope. Hope is what engages us. It is, as my brother Elisha Porter has reminded me, positiveness. That truth is always there at the end of our labors; in hope we know it. Those who walk the pathway of justice can be assured of the triumph of truth in hope. Leaving the this-worldly field (SELF), our nest of a lifetime, the cocoon we grew up in, is terrifyingly lonely and disorienting. But in the positiveness of our hope we can take the next step remembering that the essence of life is not found in repetition but continual change.
Salvation that we yearn for is this resurrection. Paul the apostle refers to human civilization (the epoch of SELF) as death and slavery (See Colossians chapter 3; Hebrews 2:15 NLT and other places throughout his writings). Redemption is freedom from death and slavery of sin which is reaction or turning back on the narrow road that leads to salvation. We are redeemed back into divinity, the family of God.
Established religions fail and will continue to wither away because they have lost contact with Cosmos, Nature, and Life. They choose the easier path of collusion with immoral ruling classes; suffering persecution of the sake of Jesus Christ has little or no meaning for them. John the apostle of Jesus Christ says of these, "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth!" (Revelation 3:15-16, NLT). They are no longer the living communion of God’s people but idolaters of a false God, the slave/feudal/capitalist systems. Their God is this-worldly Lords and Kings that rule them. They run hospitals that reject patients who cannot pay or do not have insurance. They are linked to the system by a thousand threads of compromise. They sanction capitalist wars of aggression, slavery, and a thousand outrages to God’s children and hide behind flags, tax writeoffs, and laundered wealth that kills God's children. Woe unto you hypocrites, you blind leading the blind. It will be far worse for you who are in positions of leadership who lead the people astray. The time of the great cleansing is upon us; repent before it is too late.