Friend and comrade, ~, we invite you into the Kingdom God has prepared for us since the beginning. But know that we will be persecuted and "crucified" by this immoral ruling class and those who compromise with them. We hesitate to invite you because of little ~ and your wife. They must know that we will soon enough be hounded, persecuted, driven into the company of the lowest and most humble on earth. They will lie about us, torture us, and take all earthly possessions from us. All that we have for our defense is: childlike trust in Father God who gives us the good things we need; open-mindedness and hope that Mother God manifests through us the pathway of truth and justice; and feelings and love of Spirit God that brings together the Kingdom of God, the Family of God.
Dear brother, we must no longer worship or praise God. We are the living God. We are the second coming of Christ. We do not sell our birthright for the pleasure of a meal. Immoral politicians and religious leaders and business leaders and such are happy to see us worship and praise God, to see us sell our birthright. As they called our brother Jesus a blasphemer, so will they call us phlasphemers.
Dear brother, we cannot come into the kingdom, God's family, without the wedding garmet. We have a childlike trust Father God will provide all we need. We willingly share all we have: our cars, homes, bank accounts, everything. It is one for all and all for one. All who do the will of Father God are our brother and sister and mother and father and children (see Matthew 12:46-50, New Living Translation, NLT). In return, Father God in us supplies all we need. This is a pillar of our communal life though it may be a stumbling block for many. But there is no other road to salvation. Next we expect transformation/rebirth from Mother God (Nature) if we speak Its truth and walk Its pathway of justice. Finally our feelings/love for all the good things of Creation Universe (Father God), our feelings/love for Nature (Mother God) brings us everlasting life in the communion of God.Dear brother, the road is narrow. We are the gateway. No one enters God's Kingdom unless they share all they have. We are the Communalist class that rises from the people in the era of Socialism, that leads the people in their struggles unto the worldwide consolidation of Socialism and beyond into the era of Advanced Communism where the state gradually disappears and God within each of us again rules.