Matter struggles and communicates with energy, and there is creation. When experience becomes part of creation, there is soul. Development is death of old self and old awareness (conscience) and there is Spirit or higher, communal life. So objectives of work, education, or any action are to:
Create higher consciousness via struggle and communication;
Reveal soul by taking steps toward quality of life;
Bring forth the spirit of eternal communal life by leaving OLD SELF and OLD CONSCIENCE behind.
Teachers/leaders are creators, scientists, and leaders. With love and truth, they bring forth souls.
Teachers/leaders help raise the consciousness of the people and ensure the well-being of people by opening channels of communication. The people empower teachers/leaders who lead the people forward by the light of truth towards higher forms of communal life.
The people are the builders of the New World.
Real participation in building the New World can only take place when the people are told the truth and given revolutionary tasks, actions that reveal soul and move society forward.
Fake money-democracy, that keeps workers in the role of wage slaves asking masters for handouts, must be liquidated.
Human development moves toward communal life, a life without private property relations and where each contributes according to their ability and each receives according to their need.
The means of production (corporations, factories, banks, etc.) must be socialized as we take steps toward communism; these steps, following capitalism are: dictatorship of the people, people's republic, socialism, and communism.
As society moves forward, work becomes revolutionary (helps to move
society forward). With progress, work becomes more creative and less of
Students/learners thrive in the loving and secure environment of community, not wage-slave environment of capitalism. Contradictions between these two bring "strife and division" (Luke 12:51, New Living Translation of Bible). Struggle between private property ownership/individualism and sharing/community continues till one-world family communion is established in a cosmic conscious, all-knowing world.
Community supplies students/learners with time needed for development.
Immoral, reactionary ruling classes spend millions of dollars daily to train the people in private property relations and individualism which isolate and weaken the people.
Historical dialectical materialism is the science of progress, the content of education.
Creation results when personification of matter (Self) struggles and communicates with divine, conscious energy (Conscience). Creation is the struggle to bring something out of chaos and nothingness by opening channels of communication between Self and Conscience. This illustrates first law of Universe.
Before capitalists take the step of building a new shopping center, they research market, demographics and location; they bring history up to the present. Builders of the New World likewise bring history up to the present before making the next step. Teachers/leaders as sincere scientists study the work of masters who have led the people forward, and then they show the people the next step forward. Taking right steps, scientists working with the people get exact formulas (knowledge/truth) to move forward. This involves revelation of souls. This illustrates the second law of Universe.
The third law of Universe is life. With the death of old SELF and CONSCIENCE comes SPIRIT. Spirit is a higher communion of life, a cosmic esprit de corps, eternal communal life. This involves will, responsibility, and service.