New World Outreach
11 March 2001
May churning powers of creation, the vibrations of soul, and communion of
divine love be with you.
Reject the Culture of Capitalism
The urgency of salvation is upon us, brothers and sisters. Reject the culture of capitalism, the culture of establishment which pervades life here in the USA which asks us daily that we sell our labor power to business owners. Do not permit this relationship of production to continue unchallenged. It is wage slavery. Daily, our own labor releases anew the scourge of capital upon us; the things we create return to beat us into submission.
First Steps
How can we chase the moneychangers out of the temple? The best first step is to come together in groups to study the situation and then move on to form councils, collectives, communities, cooperatives, or communes. We cannot be saved by remaining passive to the capitalist system or by isolating urselves. We must actively separate ourselves from it, and shake the dust off our sandals as we leave it. Salvation is a major separation. That is the full import of these words of Jesus:
" Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! No, I came to bring a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household! If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, your are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will find it," (see Matthew 10:34-39, New Living Translation of The Holy Bible).
Establishment USA is the culture of money, violence, and Satan that plays in our ears all day long. It offers most workers the security of a low-risk way of living, and in return we must be its willing wage-slaves. The culture of capitalism strangles creation, order, and love. It provides us with many false gods to worship. Brothers and sisters, do not permit this outrage upon ourselves or on our brothers and sisters.
Break Stranglehold of Capitalist Culture
Who will we let run the USA? Who will we let determine its culture and mores? We rejected rule by kings and queens. Now its time to reject rule by the wealthy. It's time for us to establish a just, loving, and sharing brother-and-sister relationship with all the people in the USA and on the planet. These difficult times call for bold, loving leadership that's willing to break away from the stranglehold of capitalist culture which pervades our lives. Find ways and means to let the rulers of this world know that you will not permit them to destroy the ecosystem and fill our minds and the minds of our children with nonsense. Time is critical; all must decide. Will you stay with capitalism and its culture or will you move onward to a Workers State? There is no other choice.
Come Together in My Name
Brothers and sisters, I give you unions, collectives, communities, cooperatives, and communes. Use them wisely to find your way back to me.
Do not isolate yourselves. Come together in my name or you will end up creatures who have no part in me. You are mine and I am yours. Together we are creators, we are nature, and we are eternal life. Remember you are chosen from eternity. Search deep within and you will find a thread of love connecting you with all my chosen ones. Yes, it is as simple as that. Now is the time. Come together in communities, collectives, cooperatives and communes.
Struggles Ahead
Nurture the little ones among you. Preserve their simplicity, their inborn
goodness. For their sakes, clean up the environment (capitalist culture).
What good is it if you preserve the sanctity of these little ones in your homes and then deliver them to ruthless capitalist culture as soon as they walk outdoors. This will not do. Clean up the environment. Primarily, do not permit the selling of human labor power for the best price it can fetch which is wage-slavery. We simply must not permit this to go on. Workers, stop offering your labor power. Come to terms with the capitalists. All major corporations, banks, and businesses must be publicly owned and democratically run in the interests of society. This is the absolute, number one, first step we must take. There will be wars, and catastrophes, starvation, and bitter struggles. But know this. I will be with you in the heat of battle. Your happiness and radiance will convert your enemies into comrades.
What About Wild Bears?
What about wild bears? Remember that wild bears are beautiful creatures,
and we must respect them on their own terrain. We must allow them space
to exist so they can live out their full life. We must find ways to permit
these creatures to exist but not to rule over us. This is possible, my beloved, but we must learn how to do this from those who have already shed their blood in struggle against the capitalists. Learn from their successes and from their mistakes. Only in this way will we be able to construct a Workers State. Using the truths they have garnered, adding our own rich experience, we will find scientific laws that will enable us to establish universal fellowship and order first in the USA and then on the planet.
The Message
What is the message? It is that we turn away from money-based toward
need-based relations and remember that thread of love within us that ties us
together as God's chosen people into one community.
What About the Legions of Satan?
What about violence, revolution, and terrible war? What about hatred
and anger? What about the legions of Satan that will surely pound us mercilessly. Remember: Love from above and power from below.
Never make steps until you have first gathered the support of the people,
indeed until the people have gathered together their own experience. Then
you will have the majority on your side. The key to garnering the support of
the masses is to first ensure their wellbeing. Also, always make sure you seek out those leaders who are blessed with divine love. If you cannot find divine love in them, shun them for they will lead you to death and destruction. Hatred cannot build revolutions; only love builds revolutions. Yes, there will be violence but it will not be from our side. Look upon adversaries as recalcitrant children whom we will not allow to destroy our homes to satisfy their desires; we must be firm with them but
loving as well.
Break Definitely with Old World!
Most importantly, break definitely with the Old World. Exactly
what this will be for each of us will diff from person to
person, but the impact on all will be the same. It will be like leaving
whatever we're doing and following Jesus as the apostles had to do. What
about family and friends? Act first, and let those follow you who will follow you.
New World
New World is the Kingdom of God that Jesus spoke about. It is the
communist society Marx and Lenin envisioned. It is community life,
fellowship, love, higher development without the necessity of state power.
But most of all it is union with God; it is our baptism into Universe.
Transformation, Not Praise or Worship
How do we get to New World? One cannot get to the New World by
worshipping; those who follow the route of most established religions will
be "thrown out into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing
of teeth." Do sons and daughters worship their parents? New World is
strictly comrades and family. Jesus taught us to communicate with God as a
parent. New World is a God-development we put on like a wedding
garment (see Matthew 22:1-14, New Living Translation of The Holy Bible).
let your light shine
Be vigilant in these terrible times, brother and sisters. Do not allow yourselves to fall asleep. Most difficult of all, let your light shine. Oh how difficult it is to let it shine. Is there any greater agony than this? Let it shine at home. Let it shine for neighbors and for all we meet. This is our salvation. This is our refuge. This is the way forward, brothers and sisters.
Brothers and sisters, this is my second emailing to this group. I hope I have eliminated all who requested to be off this list after the first mailing. My first emailing was quite a while ago, and you may not remember it. Also I think many of my ideas have changed. I would very much like to hear your ideas and response to what I have sent you. Also, I am one of a group of 5 persons in Southern California who wish to form a community. We have met several times. If you think you might be interested in joining us, please feel free to communicate with me.
Joseph D. Chafe
Anaheim, CA
10 March 2001
Contact Information
714 535-4586