Open Letter to Share International*

Brothers and Sisters, you have faithfully spoken my Word. I come now into your midst to lead you out of slavery. Establish my Family now. Form communes, cooperatives, collectives. Share all you have with each other, your food, your cars, your houses, everything. Liberation is here. Pass this way thru the eye of the needle called Armageddon. Call all people to organize themselves into nonviolent, loving communal families. Get organic gardens planted. Do you need seeds? We have them, and will send enough for a few large gardens. Feed the children. Feed the people. Create communal bank accounts: from each according to ability, to each according to need. The goal is total world transformation and planetary enlightenment.

The harvest time has come. Those who hesitate or who are not vigilant are lost. You have helped smooth and straighten the pathway. Now you must walk on it. There is no other pathway to salvation except loving communal life. Share all things. Tear up boundaries and flags. We are the Family of God, a one-world family commune. Live in this simple faith. Let the light of Mother Nature shine from within. Floodgates of Spirit open to bring forth fruits of everlasting life.

*Parts of this came from a letter from Joseph Antaree of the One World Family Commune.