"The world revolution will certainly triumph!," Ho Chi Minh

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    Handbook of Complete Logic by Jack Fischel


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    Last community Meeting 13 March 2001. Email me at barrysi1.com for time and place of next meeting.

    I hope to be moving to China soon. Please check this site occasionally for updates. Hope you enjoy Fischel's Handbook. It's not in its final edited form yet but I've decided to put what I've done so far on line.

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    Temple News
    A Revolutionary Journal of Religion and Politics

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    Does Spirit move you to speak God's Word:

    Godspeaking Archive

    1. Hell (2 March 2009)
    2. Nature's Laws (23 Feb 2009)
    3. Mind Over Matter (18 Feb 2009)
    4. Collective (February 16, 2009)
    5. Universe (February 12, 2009)
    6. Part of the Whole (February 10, 2009)
    7. Present-Time Recognition (February 9, 2009)
    8. The Ultimate Weapon (February 9, 2009)
    9. Letting Go (February 9, 2009)
    10. February 7, 2009
    11. February 6, 2009
    12. New World
    13. Showdown with the Beast
    14. Humans
    15. Throwing in our Lot with the People
    16. We are the Living God
    17. Pleasure and Love
    18. Speak with My Authority
    19. Old World New World
    20. The People
    21. What is a Revolutionary Party
    22. Greetings Earth People
    23. Peace
    24. Salvation
    25. "2002"
    26. Witness for Me
    27. The Important Thing is to Love
    28. Come Inherit the Earth Now
    29. Speaking God's Word
    30. Solar People
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    Revised June2000 Cosmic Consciousness
    Summary: Cosmic consciousness is union with God which is the Universe or Cosmos. Humans on this planet are in a cycle of development the outcome of which will be a new cosmic conscious species, born out of us, which will eventually occupy and possess this planet.
    June2000 Call for One-World Family Government
    A call to cosmic conscious brothers and sisters, leaders, and the people to establish a One-World Family Government
    June 2000 One-World Family Outreach
    Let One-World Family life begin.
    revised 11June2000 End of Religion
    The state and religion both wither away to be replaced by universal cosmic consciousness which makes us Creator, Universal Mind, and Spirit.
    Revised June2000 May Your Kingdom Come
    Who are the leaders in God's kingdom? How and when will it come?
    Revised June2000 Our Father
    The fundamentals of prayer from a cosmic-conscious point of view.
    25Dec2000 Becoming God
    The goal of all development.
    30Jan2001 New World Manifesto Summary
    The mechanics of development for the New World
    4 February 200l Self
    Self is sibling matter that with God gives birth to Word.
    March 2001 New World Manifesto
    What is the Kingdom of God? Where will it be? Who will be in it?
    1 April 2001 Peoples Party
    Some ideas about a Peoples Party
    20 April 2001 Private Property
    Some ideas about a Peoples Party
    25 May 2001 Meaning of God
    An expanded understanding of God
    23 November 2001 Preaching and Truth
    Preaching and truth contrasted
    26 March 2002 God the Trinity
    Humans are the children of God. They grow up by stages in the epoch of SELF till they reclaim full divinity in the Family of God.
    31 March 2002 Ancestors
    Ancestors come to life in us; they are resurrected from the dead. Revolutionaries who deal with history must deal with ancestors.
    7 April 2002 Open Letter to the Scientists of the World
    Overview of historical development and a call to scientists to take refuge in the World Revolutionary Community
    26 May 2003 Recommendations for a Revolutionary Party
    Recommendations to the Peace and Freedom Party on how to revolutionize
    28 July 2006 Communities and Communism
    On the difference between communities and communism


    Notes and Poems


    Sheldrake, Rupert: A Science of Life
    Levi H. Dowling: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
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    Mission Statement

    Mission Statement

    Children of God

    Children of God the Father communicate with Creation Universe to bring good things to the people. Children of God the Mother sum up the labors of ancestors and speak the word of God to the people. Children of God the Spirit overcome SELF and bring everlasting life to the people.

    Leaders of the Communist Revolution

    We the vanguard of the communalist class lead the communist revolution. We come out of the people to communicate and struggle with the the bureaucrats in the era of Socialism. We establish the era of Advanced Communism on the planet.

    Disciplined Party of the People

    We are disciplined revolutionaries who welcome into our ranks pure of heart, the open-minded, and those who love the people.

    Africa, Land of our Ancestors

    Our ancestors have waited paitently, struggled long, and come now with their sacred gift, the torch of fire passed down from the founding of our humanity, to bring to life in the New World once again the communion of old that thrived many rains ago in the sacred lands of Africa. Brothers and Sisters: "Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34, New Living Translation, NLT).

    Family of God on Earth

    We, the One World Family of God on earth, the most conscious and the most responsible of the masses of people, the stewards of the planet, with Love create everlasting goodness for the people, with open-mindedness we bring the light of truth, with childlikeness we create good things for the people.

    Salvation Comes Through Us

    Yes, we are the gate. Those who come in through us will be saved. Wherever they go, they will find green pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. Our purpose is to give life in all its fullness. We are the good shepherds; we lay down our lives for the sheep. Hired hands run when they see a wolf coming. They leave the sheep because they aren't their sheep and they aren't their shepherd. And the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. The hired hands run away because they are merely hired and have no real concern for the sheep. We are the good shepherds; we know our own sheep, and they know us, just as our Father knows us and we know the Father. We lay down our lives for the sheep. We have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. We must bring them also, and they will listen to our voice; and there will be one flock with one shepherd (See John 10:9-16, NLT).


    Come all of you that thirst for goodness, truth, and life. Come work with us and remember that "in a capitalist society, the lie has all the trimmings of the truth. The beginning of a lie glitters and looks like a million dollars, but the beginning of the truth is so hard and ugly that often people give their lives in building it up (The Handbook of Complete Logic by Jack Fischel; for further information about this book contact barrysi1@juno.com ).

    New Covenant World Bill of Rights*

    Truth is revealed now in the fullness of time:
    1. Let each of us share all the world--the Kingdom of God--and call one place of our choosing our own and be free to come and go in the world and stay at any dwelling place accomodateing travelers.
    2. Let each of us give to the extent of our abilities to the One World Company, and in return all things shall be added unto us.
    3. Let each of us be judged only by our conscience in God, and let no one judge their fellow beings, but rather judge their own thought and action.
    4. Let no person or group hold any authority over another, except that people be willingly led by wisdom and true personality.
    5. Let the government be of the people, where the people are self-governed; by the people where the people enjoy perfect freedom; for the people, where the people give themselves abundant living.
    6. Let the government seat be only the storehouse and inventory of the people's products.
    7. Let all things be done unto edification, for God is not the author of confusion.

    * The Everlasting Gospel: God Ultimate Unlimited Mind Speaks, channeled thru Allen Michael.

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    Joseph D. Chafe

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    Last Updated: 24 June 2010
    WebMaster: Joseph D. Chafe barrysi1[AT]juno.com
    © copyright June 2000 Joseph D. Chafe
    129385 visitors since 11 March 2001